
Speednames (UK) - MX-Records einrichten

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The following instructions are for setting your MX records when your DNS records are managed by Speednames (UK).

When entering our server names in your MX records you must place a period at the end, this is a requirment of the Speednames website. See below for more details.

Step #1

Step #2

Step #3

MX-Records werden für individuelle Domains spezifiziert, loggen Sie Sich bitte ein, um die MX-Server Ihrer Domain zu betrachten.

Setup Complete

You should end up with three mx records under MX Records which show your new MX records for the MX Guarddog servers.

Changes to your MX records may take 24 - 48 hours before all computers on the Internet see the update, your spam levels will slowly decrease during this time.

Updated 2016/05/25